Posted under General
The bulk update request #35255 (forum #329227) has been approved by @Asht.
BUR #35256 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias chai_z_(xzon) -> xzon_(chai_z)
Artist is now preferred the name "XZon".
BUR #35257 has been approved by @Schizoruko.
create alias licowish -> 1000senka
Licowish hasn't been used in a long time and all of their socials are 1000senka
The bulk update request #35257 (forum #329232) has been approved by @Asht.
BUR #35258 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias zbuta_turatan -> lil_monster_(zbuta_turatan)
Artist's actual username.
The bulk update request #35260 (forum #329236) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
BUR #35261 has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
create alias 75ynp6icjxnlkmi -> amitukichi
Dupe. aliasing keysmash twitter username to stacc name
The bulk update request #35261 (forum #329238) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
The bulk update request #35263 (forum #329249) has been approved by @baconmeh2.
BUR #35266 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias haru_(hiyori-kohal) -> ichikawa_haru
name + qualifier -> full name (200+ posts)
BUR #35267 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias friedchickenc -> umaiagechicken
The artist's account with the former name was suspended and they made a new account with a different handle.
BUR #35268 has been approved by @Knowledge_Seeker.
create alias neri_ume -> nerine_fujikawa
Same artist.
The bulk update request #35268 (forum #329262) has been approved by @Knowledge_Seeker.
1001001 said:
BUR #35267 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias friedchickenc -> umaiagechicken
The artist's account with the former name was suspended and they made a new account with a different handle.
Should probably add their new URLs to the artist entry before making the request.
BingusX said:
BUR #35270 has been rejected.
create alias suzusuzu1616 -> sora_misuzu
Artist's actual name.
Could you confirm, with any content from the artist, that 艸楽弥鈴 is spelled Sora Misuzu?