
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

Unbreakable said:

Roundhouse kick

What makes it different from a normal kick?

“Normal kick” is going to mean different things to different people. For me, a front kick (think of a police officer kicking down a door) is the default because in my experience, it is often taught first in martial arts classes because it’s a relatively easy kick to perform. Others might think of the side kick as the default because, like the roundhouse, it is highly prevalent in fictional depictions of martial arts.

I have noticed that roundhouse kicks tend to be more common for generic kicking attacks in anime and on this site, so I can understand why you might consider a roundhouse the default “normal” kick. On the other hand, some of the kicks under the tag don’t look like roundhouse kicks at all (for example, post #8153280 and post #2632683). I think the roundhouse kick wiki should have a more specific description. I also think we should consider adding tags for other kinds of kicks as they seem like something people with an interest in martial arts might want to search for.

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