
Imply frilled thigh strap to thigh strap

Posted under Tags

wispydreamer said:

BUR #35174 is pending approval.

create alias bridal_garter -> frilled_thigh_strap

Bridal garter is a really unintuitive tag considering it's not what the term "garter" is typically used for. Thigh bands actually attached to garter straps like post #8501386 should be a new tag like thigh garter.

Some of the posts originally under frilled thigh strap weren't actually on the thigh though and were worn on the lower leg. Those images were just moved to bridal garter.

It's called bridal garter because that's what it's called in real life. Yes, real life is confusing.

Historically we tried to differentiate between thigh straps and bridal garters because thigh straps are usually plain unadorned bands while bridal garters are fancier and are usually associated with lingerie or bridal wear. But I guess that distinction is not worth maintaining any more if it's too confusing.

One problem though is that not all are frilled, a small number are lace or have other designs. See post #8172670 for example. We could move those to lace thigh strap, but it would fragment the tag a little.