
Image Replacement Request Thread

Posted under General

Knowledge_Seeker said:

post #66094

So I found the source to this one on a random whim, but the Twitter ver. is...Kinda inferior to the sourceless version already up on Danbooru. So I'm...Kinda at a loss for what to do? Should I have it replaced here, or just leave a comment on the post?

The tweet's a repost itself, considering it's from 2016 and the Danbooru upload is from 2006. Tweet also mentions something about it being 10 years old and having to dig for it. So the original original source is still unknown and perhaps lost to time.

Ylimegirl said:

The tweet's a repost itself, considering it's from 2016 and the Danbooru upload is from 2006. Tweet also mentions something about it being 10 years old and having to dig for it. So the original original source is still unknown and perhaps lost to time.

Goddamn. I google-translated the artist's commentary in the tweet and knew they were talking about it being old, but I didn't notice that detail.

So yeah...I suppose it'd be best to leave that one alone. I already corrected the artist request on that post, so I suppose that will have to do.