35pmachi said:
Nobody is at work approving things again I guess
Even though Christmas has passed, it's still the holiday season. I imagine it'll be slow in January too since most things are slower in January
Posted under General
why post #8628582 got deleted?
the previous four posts from the same pool got approved, and I don't see any issues on that post.
Ok, I hope someone at least answers me this time.
What is the reason why the following posts were removed, they do not break any rules, and they are of good quality:
post #8305717
post #8305740
post #8503041
post #8556706
post #8585677
Help approve 2 illustrations and 1 animation, all good quality - https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8595935, https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8629203, https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8626076
All similar/higher quality than other posts from the artist, which 8 different approvers have approved previously.
post #8628027post #8627988
post #8627945
Different artist, but same as above:
post #8630564 <- this one is literally the newest in a series a mod was uploading!
post #8630426
Certainly won't try uploading the artist's full-color illustrated comics if these aren't good.
Could you please reconsider the deletion of post #8628618?
The art looks quite good so I don't know why it has been deleted. I really think it deserves to be approved.
post #8631406
This is a high-resolution version of the approved post
post #8629331
I don't know why it didn't pass, I can't fault it
Can someone give this another try?
Any reason why?
I am completely done with such vague excuses, gimme an actual explanation.
Disinterest, bias, you name it. I am not uploading anymore. That. Is. It.
OK, forget this comment. But still.
zerotoinfinity said:
Any reason why?
I am completely done with such vague excuses, gimme an actual explanation.
Disinterest, bias, you name it. I am not uploading anymore. That. Is. It.
OK, forget this comment. But still.
My guess would be low quality, and/or mixing in the textures for the cookies, which look out of place with the rest of the art style. Scroll up to my post and you'll see that they won't approve even images with far higher art quality.
Sadly, that's probably the best explanation you will get, as there seems to be very limited feedback from the approvers themselves here.
Strike1996 said:
Ok, I hope someone at least answers me this time.
What is the reason why the following posts were removed, they do not break any rules, and they are of good quality:
post #8305717
post #8305740
post #8503041
post #8556706
post #8585677
They weren't 'removed', they failed to be approved in the 3-day window during which posts from restricted users' posts are 'pending'. As a restricted user, it's not enough for your posts to not break any rules, they have to be high enough quality to attract the attention of an approver.
If you look at the last post you listed, you will see that 11 approvers looked at the image while it was pending and declined to approve it. That's actually better than many, as only 6 approvers looked at two of the posts I was asking about here. Feel free to look at mine to see some other examples of posts that failed to get approved, but at the end of the day, it is 100% subjective on the part of the approvers. The best you can do is upload the highest quality images you can find and hope for the best, while far worse slop gets approved for inscrutable reasons.
post #5801803
Aside from maybe bad luck, does anyone have a guess for why this isn't approved?
definitelysleeping said:
My guess would be low quality, and/or mixing in the textures for the cookies, which look out of place with the rest of the art style. Scroll up to my post and you'll see that they won't approve even images with far higher art quality.
Sadly, that's probably the best explanation you will get, as there seems to be very limited feedback from the approvers themselves here.
Low quality? The cookies are supposed to look like that, they're burnt. There's no way around it.
Also, it's already approved. Just ignore my comment. I only typed this in before it suddenly got the seal of approval. And I was in a bit of a depressive state, at that time.
ziin1234 said:
post #5801803
Aside from maybe bad luck, does anyone have a guess for why this isn't approved?
Looks like it was approved about an hour after you posted.
post #8589461
I don't understand how this wasn't approved.
All illustrations by this artist are approved, it's highres, it's well tagged and has a decent score.
I think this should have another chance.
post #8589461
I don't understand how this wasn't approved.All illustrations by this artist are approved, it's highres, it's well tagged and has a decent score.
I think this should have another chance.
Only 21 out of the 137 active posts under this artist actually went through the queue. The rest were uploaded by contributors, who are allowed to skip the queue.
Also, the score and number of tags has no relevance to whether or not a post gets approved. Highres posts might have a higher chance, but it's not enough on its own, nor is it a requirement. Lower-resolution posts can be good quality, too.
post #8635065 (Variant of post #8635042)post #8635008 (Parent post was approved)
Hi there, would you mind taking another look at post #8630953?
Can someone take another look at my first three uploads? (post #8631957 post #8631973 post #8632019)
They seemed like pretty good first posts to me, so I have no idea why they were denied.
Any input into why this were deleted would be great help
post #8624623 - I don't see anything wrong with this. You could argue the stomach maybe? Certainly not bad quality. Not that anyone used that for a reason just the normal "disinterest" .-.
post #8621154 - multiple works by me or others uploaded after this from the same artist that were approved but this one wasn't. I don't really see any issue comparing them. Could I please get something other than "disinterest"?
post #8621135 - Same as previous (same artist)
post #8611420 - Sure it might just be slightly lower quality than some of the artists other uploaded art but I don't believe it being a sketch should deny it being approved.