BUR #34154 has been rejected.
create implication rainbow_background -> multicolored_background
Self explanatory.
Posted under Tags
BUR #34154 has been rejected.
create implication rainbow_background -> multicolored_background
Self explanatory.
multicolored background has become a shit tag. When there's stuff like post #8591091 in it then what's the point of this tag?
It used to be called colorful background, maybe we should go back to that, otherwise it's just a dumping ground for autists just because there's literally more than one color in the background.
This just sounds like an inherent problem of the tag, the wording sounds almost the same. The only thing it might do, and that's not even saying it with confidence, is that posts with less colours won't get tagged as colourful background but anything else still will. Others might see anything more than a single colour and call it colourful because "colourful must mean it has colours". Cardboard forbid if someone tags a scenic background that way.
BUR #34760 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
remove alias colorful_background -> multicolored_background
deprecate multicolored_background
I didn't realise what a shitshow multicolored_background was when I made my request. Because of how much garbage is in it, I agree with Sam; it's a better idea to deprecate it and populate colorful_background from its remains.
The bulk update request #34760 (forum #323555) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #34154 (forum #320958) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #34708 (forum #323264) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.
colorful background needs to be populated now and multicolored background needs a deprecation wiki.