The wiki for crossed arms, x arms are for very specific poses. Outstretched crossed arms is also still kinda specific. I think we either need a general tag for when the arms are crossed in manners not described in the existing tags or a change to the tags wiki. Probably something called "own arms crossed"?
Also, crossed arms is called arm folding in wikipedia.
Here are various examples of poses which I don't think the current tags work very well with.
- post #8110169
- post #8247995: arms are out of frame but they should be crossing
- post #7567828: cross-body stretch but the arms are technically crossing. Also there should be cases where the arms are crossing perpendicular like that but the character is not stretching (I can't find such example for now).
- post #7603014: crossed wrists but there should also be cases where the wrists are not crossing but the arms do over head
- post #7306476: should be x arms but the since the wiki mentions "in front of the chest", the post may not apply.