
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

zetsubousensei said:

I think that first one fits because they seem to be overly enamored and lovestruck, but this isn't really an argument for tagging without discussion regardless. You'd ideally remove posts from the pool if they didn’t fit anyways.

This may be a flawed logic, but I thought it was better to populate the tag rather than the pool because even if people disagree with me on the pool being pointless, that's an easy collection of posts to migrate into the pool all in one spot once my suggestion is rejected.

Not necessarily a pointless pool, but a pool that could probably use to have a greater implication. The description of Behind The Scenes seems to purely imply its use for describing design elements/people getting prepared, but I see a lot of people using it for other "behind the scenes" type things, like people backstage after the "show", or on "break". Do you all think that would be a reasonable addition to its description or should the pool be cleaned up to fit the current description?

BUR #34576 has been approved by @evazion.

nuke pool:19562

shemingwan_wen said:

pool #19562
Looks like futa_(nabezoko) -comic touhou. I don't see the serial connection between the illustrations and why non-comic Touhou drawings by the artist needs to be separated into its own pool.

Alixiron said:

+1. Feels pointless to me too and kinda unsure why it was made to begin with tbh.

pool #1759

Not necessarily a pointless pool, but the current definition of "Pokemon living their lives" with trainers allowed if the image is "good" is too vague imo.

I could see this pool being repurposed into an image depicting pokemons in their natural habitat though, which seems to made up a huge chunk of this pool