post #9000000 GET!

Should I create tags for canthal tilts?

Posted under Tags

Just like IRL, anime faces also feature three main canthal tilts: positive, negative, and neutral (mostly positive).
A positive canthal tilt means your medial canthi (the inner corners of your eyes) are lower than your lateral (outer) ones, and vice versa.
Example of a positive canthal tilt: post #8519988
Example of a negative canthal tilt: post #7979021
Example of a neutral canthal tilt: post #8516127
As one's canthal tilt is a very noticeable facial feature, should we create tags for it?

Actually there already are such tags, however they're not the most easily discovered ones. (maybe new aliases would help?)

positive canthal tilt: tsurime
negative canthal tilt: tareme
No real "neutral" canthal tilt tag that i know of, and tbh i think we don't need that one.

edit: sniped

Mayhem-Chan said:

Actually there already are such tags, however they're not the most easily discovered ones. (maybe new aliases would help?)

positive canthal tilt: tsurime
negative canthal tilt: tareme
No real "neutral" canthal tilt tag that i know of, and tbh i think we don't need that one.

edit: sniped

Yeah, let's create aliases.

Before anyone starts creating BURs, I don't think "positive canthal tilt" is an improvement over the current tag names. I had never even heard of that terminology before just now. I think weebs are still more likely to recognize the current terms, obscure as they are these days, so we're still gonna need something people will actually recognize.

blindVigil said:

Before anyone starts creating BURs, I don't think "positive canthal tilt" is an improvement over the current tag names. I had never even heard of that terminology before just now. I think weebs are still more likely to recognize the current terms, obscure as they are these days, so we're still gonna need something people will actually recognize.

I actually learned about positive and negative canthal tilt before tsurime and tareme. Ah, the duality of men.

blindVigil said:

Before anyone starts creating BURs, I don't think "positive canthal tilt" is an improvement over the current tag names. I had never even heard of that terminology before just now. I think weebs are still more likely to recognize the current terms, obscure as they are these days, so we're still gonna need something people will actually recognize.

I think two things:

  • These would actually be decent utility aliases just for not being niche weeb terms, the current names can (and i think should) stay as main tag names anyway.
  • Yes indeed, we need much better aliases, still;

Does eyes slanted downwards work well enough for tareme? I wanna know if other people here also instinctively understand that "downward slant" refers to the outer edge of the eyes and not the inner ones.

Mayhem-Chan said:

Does eyes slanted downwards work well enough for tareme? I wanna know if other people here also instinctively understand that "downward slant" refers to the outer edge of the eyes and not the inner ones.

Honestly, I'd assume tsurime at a glance (referring to the sharp slant eyes in that style generally have). I'd totally get them mixed up at a glance.

Mayhem-Chan said:

I think two things:

  • These would actually be decent utility aliases just for not being niche weeb terms, the current names can (and i think should) stay as main tag names anyway.
  • Yes indeed, we need much better aliases, still;

Does eyes slanted downwards work well enough for tareme? I wanna know if other people here also instinctively understand that "downward slant" refers to the outer edge of the eyes and not the inner ones.

Well, the proper terms are "slanted eyes" and "downturned eyes". The former when the eyes slant upward, and the latter when the eyes turn downward. By the way are you Brit?
P.S. downturned_eyes means a downward glance on Danbooru for some reason, which is plain wrong and inconsistent as we already have sideways_glance. And why is the tag for an upward glance upturned_eyes?


aimuahanhk said:

Well, the proper terms are "slanted eyes" and "downturned eyes". The former when the eyes slant upward, and the latter when the eyes turn downward.

Good to know, then if other people agree on those terms being the proper ones, let's go with them?

By the way are you Brit?

French actually, never thought i'd ever come off as brit anywhere lmao

P.S. downturned_eyes means a downward glance on Danbooru for some reason, which is plain wrong and inconsistent as we already have sideways_glance. And why is the tag for an upward glance upturned_eyes?

hah good point, i knew about upturned eyes but never stopped to think why that name for that use when "upward glance" is right there and consistent with sideways glance. Good thing it's brought up, now that's also an opportunity to address those tag names as well

Knowledge_Seeker said:

Honestly, I'd assume tsurime at a glance (referring to the sharp slant eyes in that style generally have). I'd totally get them mixed up at a glance.

Makes sense, given what aimuahanhk has told

Mayhem-Chan said:

Good to know, then if other people agree on those terms being the proper ones, let's go with them?

French actually, never thought i'd ever come off as brit anywhere lmao

You wrote "downwards" instead of "downward" so yea