post #9000000 GET!

snowbreak implications

Posted under Tags

Is there an actual physical difference between these variants (exosuits) of the same character besides change in hairstyle and their attire? As far as I can tell with "create implication fenny_golden_-_starshine_(flourish_of_heart) -> fenny_golden_-_starshine" the only thing that ties the two together (besides game context) is sharing the same hairstyle. If that's that case, I don't really see why we should split them by their exosuits and then again by their specific costume when we could simply divide them by the appearance of their attire and directly implicate the parent tag. For example making instead fenny_golden_(flourish_of_heart) and fenny_golden_(starshine) tags that both directly implicate fenny_golden.

What you proposed is exactly what we do with Punishing: Gray Raven. We have costumes and the base outfit on the same level (second layer) and have them both implicate the chartag directly since the only thing shared between different versions of the same root character is some common trait.

Games with character variants are a wee bit of a mess when it comes to setting up tags and I believe PGR was also used as reference for what to do with Snowbreak's tags - although I have no idea how Snowbreak's got to be the way they are. The hyphen looks gross.

GreyOmega said:

Is there an actual physical difference between these variants (exosuits) of the same character besides change in hairstyle and their attire? As far as I can tell with "create implication fenny_golden_-_starshine_(flourish_of_heart) -> fenny_golden_-_starshine" the only thing that ties the two together (besides game context) is sharing the same hairstyle. If that's that case, I don't really see why we should split them by their exosuits and then again by their specific costume when we could simply divide them by the appearance of their attire and directly implicate the parent tag. For example making instead fenny_golden_(flourish_of_heart) and fenny_golden_(starshine) tags that both directly implicate fenny_golden.

Most of them do, but some of them don't. For example Siris Ksana has a looks very different compared to her original exosuit. I think for the purpose of making the danbooru tags look nicer it would be better to implicate the costumes directly to the base character.


The chartags already have the base character's variant in the name so these should be implicated to the base chartag. You're asking for a larger mess if you denote the costume belonging to a character in both the tag name and the implication. I'm also still not a fan of the hyphens in the name. Downvoting for those two reasons.

BUR #33932 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication lyfe_bestla_-_infinite_sight_(frozen_in_love) -> lyfe_bestla
create implication fenny_golden_-_starshine_(flourish_of_heart) -> fenny_golden

Replacing these two

imply lyfe_bestla_-_infinite_sight_(frozen_in_love) -> lyfe_bestla_-_infinite_sight 
imply fenny_golden_-_starshine_(flourish_of_heart) -> fenny_golden_-_starshine

with an implication to the base tag. I don't think we should making our life worse in advance like this unless a large amount of subskin tags start getting released.

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