
Alias griffin_&_kryuger -> griffin_&_kryuger_logo

Posted under Tags

BUR #32582 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias griffin_&_kryuger -> griffin_&_kryuger_logo

The tag for Griffin & Kryuger, the PMC you operate in Girls' Frontline, isn't exactly taggable outside of seeing the logo. If you wanted to identify them as a faction like Sangvis Ferri or KCCO, that'd be a little ridiculously over-tagged. Those faction tags exist because those aren't always the faction you face, sometimes for multiple chapters at a time. Thus they're kind of a minority to fanart.

G&K is the absolute main, so tagging it should be exclusive to the logo.

BUR #33849 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

remove alias griffin_&_kryuger -> griffin_&_kryuger_logo
remove alias griffin_and_kryuger -> griffin_&_kryuger_logo

Prior to this BUR's approval, I was asked whether or not there were any current use cases that would prevent this BUR's approval, taggable cases of the company that wouldn't focus on the logo, the uniform, or the employees, with theoretical examples given being buildings, vehicles, etc.

To my knowledge, in Danbooru's case, we either don't have or have very miniscule cases of G&K buildings represented in art, at least in regards to the exteriors, as there is no official in-game design for them and whatever design the manga/anime would have would basically be ignored by most folks. We likely have plenty of interiors, but those were never tagged with this tag to begin with. Vehicles as a gameplay mechanic were added so late into GFL's life cycle that I'm 100% certain we don't have representations of them on Danbooru at all (and I believe the same applies to the gacha helicopter). And I think we have very few cases of the G&K employees being depicted doing their day jobs per the logistics descriptions.

All of that to say that there's probably a valid use case for Griffin & Kryuger, but the current state of tag that wouldn't have allowed it to be used in that way, so the BUR was valid. In turn though, I don't think the aliases should remain.
