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Removal of Blacklist tags from the sidebar

Posted under Tags

I don't know if this is the right place to as for help, but how do I remove the blacklist tags from appearing in the side? The one that list all your blacklisted tags that you can disable or re-enable at will. I'm out of my wit's end because its one of my main gripes around here.

Peanutbutters said:

Is there a way to only remove some of the blacklisted tags? Or for safe mode too also allow sensitive works?

If you’re wondering how to remove default blacklist tags, that’s also in your settings.

Peanutbutters said:

Is there a way to only remove some of the blacklisted tags? Or for safe mode too also allow sensitive works?

You would either have to write a CSS or userscript that only hides the tag lines you want hidden, though there is some degree of manual maintenance required for that - no real way you can write it to be automatic. Alternatively you can try writing your own "blacklist" with a userscript. Post tags are exposed via data-tags on /posts so you can read that string for certain matches and hide posts based on some criteria - this would hide the post without having the "Blacklisted tags" menu show up and you wouldn't be able to reenable viewing the post.

Safe mode can't be configured to allow sensitive works because they aren't queried to begin with. Safe mode is essentially an unremovable "rating:g" added into every search you make or post page you query.

Peanutbutters said:

Or for safe mode too also allow sensitive works?

You can blacklist the ratings themselves. So if you want to just see rating:g and rating:s, add rating:q and rating:e on different lines. You can also put is:sfw in your search bar. It won't count toward your tag limit, so you can still perform two-tag searches.