
charcater tag name

Posted under Tags

123randomnmae said:

BUR #33546 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename navel_(character) -> navel_(hospital_rokunin_no_ishi)

does not have a lastname.

imply tyler_chase -> sakura_tougo
imply victor_niguel -> aragaki_shuuya
imply heather_ross -> ayaka_isshiki
imply derek_stiles -> tsukimori_kouske
imply angie_thompson -> tonegawa_anju
imply naomi_kimishima -> mira_kimishima
imply amy_chase -> sakura_rin
imply sidney_kasal -> kutsukake_souji
imply greg_kasal -> kutsukake_shinichi
rename kutsukake_shin'ichi -> kutsukake_shinichi
imply leslie_sears -> itoh_yuno

BUR #33557 has been rejected.

create implication tyler_chase -> sakura_tougo
create implication victor_niguel -> aragaki_shuuya
create implication heather_ross -> ayaka_isshiki
create implication derek_stiles -> tsukimori_kouske
create implication angie_thompson -> tonegawa_anju
create implication naomi_kimishima -> mira_kimishima
create implication amy_chase -> sakura_rin
create implication sidney_kasal -> kutsukake_souji
create implication greg_kasal -> kutsukake_shinichi
create implication leslie_sears -> itoh_yuno
create implication amy_chase -> sakura_rin_(chou_shittou_caduceus)

moving english names to japanese

edit: create implication amy_chase -> sakura_rin_(chou_shittou_caduceus)

Why are you implicating the English names to the Japanese names? These should be aliases; we don’t need two tags showing up for the same character. And the order is backwards; we generally alias Japanese names to the official English names when they’re available.

Blank_User said:

Why are you implicating the English names to the Japanese names? These should be aliases; we don’t need two tags showing up for the same character. And the order is backwards; we generally alias Japanese names to the official English names when they’re available.

I didn't even notice that they were implying instead of aliasing 😬 yeah that's NG.