
Food print

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BUR #33417 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication cake_print -> food_print
create implication candy_print -> food_print
create implication cheese_print -> food_print
create implication chocolate_print -> food_print
create implication cookie_print -> food_print
create implication doughnut_print -> food_print
create implication ice_cream_print -> food_print
create implication macaron_print -> food_print
create implication onigiri_print -> food_print
create implication pizza_print -> food_print

Implying some more common food prints to food print.

The one I'm not sure about here is pumpkin_print, as pumpkins are not always cultivated for food. For example, the jack-o'-lantern_print many of the posts tagged with it depict is a representation of a decorative form of pumpkin not intended for consumption. It can also be made into drinks. And rare varieties of wild pumpkin exist as well.

Obst said:

The one I'm not sure about here is pumpkin_print, as pumpkins are not always cultivated for food. For example, the jack-o'-lantern_print many of the posts tagged with it depict is a representation of a decorative form of pumpkin not intended for consumption. It can also be made into drinks. And rare varieties of wild pumpkin exist as well.

Ooh, you're right, I didn't think about that. Thanks for catching that!