post #9000000 GET!

Collating/Unifying Touhou Popularity Polls

Posted under Tags

BUR #33253 has been rejected.

mass update pool:1419 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:2965 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:5132 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:8060 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:9985 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:10826 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:11965 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:13348 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:14672 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:16083 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:17754 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:19250 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:20751 -> touhou_popularity_poll
mass update pool:22954 -> touhou_popularity_poll

This takes the growng list of 14 different pools for the THWiki Touhou Popularity Poll results, and sets a single tag that will correspond to all of them. This is to make it easier to find pics that, for example, show 'poll sandwiches' across multiple polls at once, as well as just see contest pictures in general.

An alternative is using the existing and underutilized popularity contest tag, but I thought it was worth offering a tag that refers to this specific poll, which occurs annually, and is always done by the same website. I'll offer an alternate BUR using the existing tag, as well, and if people think both should be added, both BURs can be approved.


BUR #33254 has been rejected.

mass update pool:1419 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:2965 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:5132 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:8060 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:9985 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:10826 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:11965 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:13348 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:14672 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:16083 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:17754 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:19250 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:20751 -> popularity_contest
mass update pool:22954 -> popularity_contest

An alternate version of the above, using an already established, albeit barely utilized, tag. With this in place, one could find all results with the tags touhou and popularity_contest, which is just enough for free users - if people wanted more fidelity that that, they'd have to have the other BUR approved.

These aren't mutually exclusive, either.

I'm fine just having individual tags for each popularity contest. We don't need an overall umbrella tag, and adding them to popularity contest is just going to pollute that tag, but there's no reason for these to be pools instead of tags, given that every post is actually referencing each event.