
Foot motion aliases and implications

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BUR #31605 has been rejected.

create alias arched_soles -> plantar_flexion
create implication en_pointe -> plantar_flexion
create implication tiptoes -> plantar_flexion
create implication heel_up -> plantar_flexion

[1] Arched soles is the same thing as plantar flexion ("toe-point down").

[2] En pointe is plantar flexion with a ballet motion context.

[3] Being on one's tiptoes always requires plantar flexion.

[4] Having one's heel up always requires plantar flexion.

I thought it was supposed to include the toes being straight, not just the foot. So en_pointe would be but the rest wouldn't, at least not usually. At least that's how I've been tagging plantar_flexion.