
Cataloguing Limbus/Project moon E.G.O and Identities

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BUR #32990 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication employee_(project_moon) -> nugget_(project_moon)
create implication librarian_(project_moon) -> nugget_(project_moon)

Not Limbus-related, however I feel it could be useful.
Employees and Librarians are the same characters lore-wise. They're both customizable playable characters.
"Nuggets" is how some fans refer to them. The term later got "semi-canonized" by having a Ruina achievement be named after said nickname.

Login_to_view said:

BUR #32990 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication employee_(project_moon) -> nugget_(project_moon)
create implication librarian_(project_moon) -> nugget_(project_moon)

Not Limbus-related, however I feel it could be useful.
Employees and Librarians are the same characters lore-wise. They're both customizable playable characters.
"Nuggets" is how some fans refer to them. The term later got "semi-canonized" by having a Ruina achievement be named after said nickname.

Why is this an implication instead of an alias? And if it's an implication then why do we need an umbrella tag for player characters from different games?

nonamethanks said:

Why is this an implication instead of an alias? And if it's an implication then why do we need an umbrella tag for player characters from different games?

Because they are the same characters, but have different outfits.
I wouldn't be against merging them into a single tag, and treat them like we do for other characters that appear in both games. However I'm a bit hesitant.

DanbooruBot said:

The bulk update request #32585 (forum #311463) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Why did this not pass?

BUR #34667 has been approved by @evazion.

deprecate zwei_association_(identity)_(project_moon)
mass update ~favgroup:38911 ~(zwei_association_(identity)_(project_moon) date:<=2024-07-01) -> zwei_association_south_(identity)_(project_moon)
mass update favgroup:38912 -> zwei_association_west_(identity)_(project_moon)

while they're the same faction, its sub-groups differ in designs a lot

  • south members wear regular outerwear in their pre-uptie artworks that vary from character to character, and a more modern-looking combat clothes with a blue coat in their post-uptie artworks and battle sprites,
  • west members are simply knights


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