Err, and who judges those? I'm not too keen on this idea.
Posted under General
Careful, now. You almost maid the term "meme" sounds somewhat prestigious. You wouldn't want fools referring to memes as "memetics", would you?
With that really dumb joke aside; if we did agree on creating a pool (as mentioned, it'd be too subjective to use it as a tag) for posts with that have memorable or "epic" comments, it would probably have to be a private pool, managed by a person with a good sense of taste.
I don't think we could trust the masses to have the proper judgement to know what would fit the (already subjective) criteria.
Bapabooiee said:
With that really dumb joke aside; if we did agree on creating a pool (as mentioned, it'd be too subjective to use it as a tag) for posts with that have memorable or "epic" comments, it would probably have to be a private pool, managed by a person with a good sense of taste.I don't think we could trust the masses to have the proper judgement to know what would fit the (already subjective) criteria.
I suppose that makes some sense. It'd need an administrative thread with addition requests then, and someone who commits to managing it full time (and who has something like a mandate to do that in that their taste is trusted).
We want to set up a consensus committee thread and appoint a "Czar of Lulzy Comments"? I'm not sure which is more disconcerting, the idea of a bureaucracy to decide what constitutes whimsical humor, or the fact that we are even entertaining the idea in the first place.
I'm not saying it's an entirely bad idea, but I think it will fail for different reasons whether we implement a bureaucratic way to moderate it or not.
Well, that doesn't invalidate the request in this thread, just makes it require some reformulation, perhaps. Like, "please implement comment searches by metatags other than the user who posted them ('user:X')", or "please implement a post search metatag that searches by average/max/min comment score", or whatever.
Shinjidude said: We want to set up a consensus committee thread and appoint a "Czar of Lulzy Comments"?
Hah. That's basically what it'd be.
Anyway, I can't help but feel that this idea will only be discussed relatively briefly - and then this thread will be sucked into the depths of the Danbooru forum index, never to be heard of again.
Just saying, though. But does anyone really find this to be a viable or workable idea, or does it feel like more of a "meh" type of thing?
(@Hazuki: inane comments like the one in my first reply to the thread are the direct result of a dire lack of sleep. And oh yes, I am using that excuse.)
The title "win comments" is stupid, because it suggests a contest in which you can win comments.
As for bureaucracy, the idea is someone steps up, we get to see if they're not totally stupid, and if not, they get their own little request thread in which people can drop nominations and that's all. This way we could avoid it degenerating into a total cesspool of "lololol narruto joke". And in the name of avoiding any more process than necessary, I submit the keeper should get an absolute and final say over what goes in, with any discussion in the thread being expressly forbidden.
All that's assuming someone suitable does step up and assumes the responsibility for maintaining it. I'm certainly not gonna care enough actually to organise the thing.