post #9000000 GET!

FGO requests

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Ylimegirl said:

BUR #32645 has been rejected.

create implication astraea_(fate) -> luviagelita_edelfelt
create implication rasputin_(fate) -> kotomine_kirei
create implication sitonai_(fate) -> illyasviel_von_einzbern
create implication ganesha_(fate) -> jinako_carigiri
create implication ishtar_(fate) -> tohsaka_rin
create implication jaguarman_(fate) -> fujimura_taiga

Pseudo-servant implications. Same logic as Senji Muramasa implying Emiya Shirou.

Omitting Durga, Kali, Ereshkigal, and Kama for having significantly altered appearances relative to their hosts.

The ishtar implication used to exist before and was removed, though right now I can't find the thread where that was done. Each of these deserves their own topic because it could cause a lot of contention, so submit them separately in a different topic.

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