Motive. ~aged_up ~aged_down solo alternate*
Aged up/down can be understood as alternate age, but it was split into two tags because there are two directions from present. These two tags are different from the other alternate tags and they are mutually exclusive.
I’d write down about some of the reasons why.
Before we discuss, we will not discuss characters that have already appeared in the official works as a different age.
First, because, as abstract as it may seem, there are countless possibilities with aged_up/down. When someone argues that we should use the alternate tags to aged_up/down posts, I'd ask why the current standard should be the standard for that age. The current standard they're arguing for is just one of myriad past/future possibilities.
Secondly, as mentioned above, aged_up/down are an alternate_age, which are out of the standard. It doesn't make logical sense to me to use alternate tags once again for those states that are already out of the standard, and it feels like unnecessary duplication.
Last, this may be a bit off-topic, but is there a guarantee that a character that is smaller than usual is necessarily aged down? It could be that they're bringing back characters from the past, or it could be that they're shorter. Whatever it is, you should choose one or the other, not both.