BUR #32450 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication hijab_as_hair -> hijab
It's a technique used by female Muslim cosplayers, where a hijab serves as an alternate to a wig with the color of the character's hair they are cosplaying as.
Posted under Tags
BUR #32450 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication hijab_as_hair -> hijab
It's a technique used by female Muslim cosplayers, where a hijab serves as an alternate to a wig with the color of the character's hair they are cosplaying as.
BUR #32479 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication aqua_hijab -> hijab
create implication green_hijab -> hijab
create implication blue_hijab -> hijab
create implication pink_hijab -> hijab
create implication black_hijab -> hijab
create implication purple_hijab -> hijab
create implication white_hijab -> hijab
create implication yellow_hijab -> hijab
create implication red_hijab -> hijab
Hijab color tags.
The bulk update request #32450 (forum #310932) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #32479 (forum #311039) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #36747 has been approved by @evazion.
create implication brown_hijab -> hijab
Brown hijab, the tag now has 10 posts.
The bulk update request #36747 (forum #335478) has been approved by @evazion.