
Rename touno_hikaru -> toono_hikaru

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BUR #31979 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename touno_hikaru -> toono_hikaru

The voice actress. She has seven posts on toono_hikaru and three posts on touno_hikaru; her name in hiragana is とおのひかる, so toono_hikaru should be correct.

Didn't make it an alias because someone actually named とうのひかる might, just might come along in the future. Touno exists as a surname so it's possible

We do that official source thing with real people too? That's opening a whole different can of worms, most VAs I've searched so far with long vowels actually romanize it with one letter on their HP, so we'll have to change all of them in that case

Official romanizations dropping the long vowel is pretty common in my experience. I see no reason to not use the official ones when available for real people either.

The romanization change BURs should be aliases, not renames though (unless there's a conflict somewhere but that seems unlikely).

Well that's quite a daunting task, there will be hundreds maybe thousands of them. Not that I would be against it or something of course but I'd rather not be the one going through all the VAs with long vowels in their names lol

In any case shouldn't the touno_hikaru's be eliminated? It makes no sense, Her name is とおの not とうの

For people's names, I think we should stick with standard romanization used on Danbooru unless there's definitive evidence of what the person prefers, not just an agency website where they may romanize all of their talents a certain way (and the same person may end up being romanized differently if they change agencies). In this case, Toono is correct, Touno is incorrect, and Tono is used officially (also on Twitter, but for reasons mentioned above not strongly in favor of changing it).