
Swap Soviet and Soviet Union tag/alias

Posted under Tags

BUR #30493 has been rejected.

create alias soviet -> soviet_union
create alias ussr -> soviet_union

Another Oldbooru crap that no one seems to be wanted to taking care of. The tag "Soviet" was meant to be used for the former Soviet Union, yet due to how the tag is named simply as adjective (like how the United States tag is used to be called simply as "America"), it is used on many posts with communism symbols like hammer and sickle, even if that post is not related to the USSR at all.

Given how misleading the current title is, I suggest we should have switched the name "Soviet" into an alias for "Soviet Union" instead. Especially since the tag was meant to be used for a country. Also adding the "USSR" alias for utility purposes.



The tag "Soviet" was meant to be used for the former Soviet Union, yet due to how the tag is named simply as adjective (like how the United States tag is used to be called simply as "America"), it is used on many posts with communism symbols like hammer and sickle, even if that post is not related to the USSR at all.

The hammer and sickle is a russian communist symbol so I think in most cases it would make sense for it to have the soviet union tag as well.