We have two ways of grouping comics: parenting in sequence, or putting them all in a series pool. We only need one or the other, as having both are redundant. But sometimes there will be comics that directly follow from another even though they are not adjacent in the pool. We should still be able to use parenting relationships for those, right?
The comics in pool #19989 have an official order, but the comics are standalone for the first couple of seasons, after which it starts to transition into stories spanning five posts each. Three of these early strips are meant to be a Part 2 to a previous strip. The post pairs are:
post #6194445 and post #6195993
post #6230720 and post #6230767
post #7505005 and post #7509638
I set parent/child relationships for all three, but the first two were removed twice*. The first one is obviously a continuation; the titles match and the second one has a 2 on the end. The second pair is the same, but they're adjacent, so I can understand why the parenting was removed in that case, but I still think they should have a parent/child relationship because multi-page strips are still very rare at that point and it would keep it consistent with the other two pairs.
The third pair has different titles for each, but it's clear from the content this is a two-parter even if you can't read Korean. It still has the parent/child relationship. I believe it should stay, but my goal is to understand what the current policy is, and I will respect it even if I don't agree with it. However, I would strongly advocate for a policy change if it turns out this kind of relationship really isn't allowed in series pools because it doesn't make sense to me to remove information pointing to a Part 2 when there are several comics in between. I also want to make sure all cases are being handled consistently.
I am not arguing in favor of parenting the multi-page comics in later seasons because the 5-page formula was already established by then.
*I was not edit-warring when I readded the parent. The child posts from the first two pairs were only approved after being deleted from staying too long in the mod queue. At around the same time, I noticed the parenting was removed, so I assumed when the post was deleted, it removed the relationship automatically. I didn't realize they were removed manually until recently, which is why I didn't bring it up until long after the fact.