Once again, I am asking for help with Japanese. This time, it is about tagging aoi_hana (Sweet Blue Flowers) characters.
- hon'atsugi_yoko:
- Does Danbooru use apostrophes to point out syllabic n's? I would assume not, since other tags use the junichirou spelling, not jun'ichirou.
- Wikipedia gives her name as 本厚木 洋子, Hon'atsugi Yōko.
- mogi_miwa:
- Wikipedia gives her name as 茂木 美和, Motegi Miwa.
- Mogii is said to be her nickname.
- Haruka:
- Currently untagged, but I am positive she is featured in post #532220 (first on the left) and 80% sure she is the third girl in post #514079.
- Wikipedia gives her name as 大野 春花, Ōno Haruka. Is the correct waapuro romanization of her family name Ouno or Oono?
Thank you for your time.
Updated by jxh2154