post #9000000 GET!

Kantai Collection alternate costume tags

Posted under General

BUR #31748 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication shigure_(avail)_(kancolle) -> shigure_(kancolle)
create implication kasumi_(kure)_(kancolle) -> kasumi_(kancolle)
create implication yukikaze_(kure_2019)_(kancolle) -> yukikaze_(kancolle)
create implication yukikaze_(kure_2022)_(kancolle) -> yukikaze_(kancolle)
create implication fubuki_(maizuru)_(kancolle) -> fubuki_(kancolle)
create implication gambier_bay_(sasebo)_(kancolle) -> gambier_bay_(kancolle)

Decided to go for the casual wear first, using <name>_(<associated brand>)_(kancolle) (like the Lawson ones) and <name>_(<city with associated IRL event>)_(kancolle) formats. Of course, there are more, but these are the ones of which I've already made dummy wiki pages for.

I might need some help since I'm also busy with a lot of things including here and IRL.

BUR #31920 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication furutaka_(yukata_mode)_(kancolle) -> furutaka_(kancolle)
create implication gloire_(maizuru)_(kancolle) -> gloire_(kancolle)
create implication richelieu_(mitsukoshi_2017)_(kancolle) -> richelieu_(kancolle)
create implication richelieu_(mitsukoshi_2021)_(kancolle) -> richelieu_(kancolle)

Might as well add these in while still waiting the previous ones. The 2017 and 2021 nomenclature for Richelieu are renames from the Mitsukoshi tag because they are both autumn CGs and also collabs with the department store but the two costumes are too distinct to be given the unified tag.


BUR #32093 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication zuikaku_(jal)_(kancolle) -> zuikaku_(kancolle)
create implication shoukaku_(jal)_(kancolle) -> shoukaku_(kancolle)
create implication hornet_(jal)_(kancolle) -> hornet_(kancolle)
create implication zuihou_(jal)_(kancolle) -> zuihou_(kancolle)

Zuikaku and Shoukaku's costumes related to JAL/Kure's 130th anniversary.

EDIT: Also added Hornet, though her JAL/Kure outfit came the following year.

EDIT 2: Also added Zuihou after seeing it alongside Shoukaku and Valiant. Might edit this BUR again if fan art featuring Valiant's JAL outfit appears.


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