
Fire Emblem Heroes tags renames

Posted under Tags

Login_to_view said:

Why? These aren't clear for either people who don't play the game nor for people who do.
(By the way, I hate that this sounds very asshole-ish, but isn't it better to redirect these efforts into making implication BURs between the alts and the main character tags?)

If you want to get the costume implications done, request them yourself instead of pushing the work onto someone else? Inconsistent costume tag naming scheme is something that should've been fixed regardless.

nth_color said:

If you want to get the costume implications done, request them yourself instead of pushing the work onto someone else?

I tried with a few other users (topic #22728), however the drive for it kind of collectively simmered down.
That said - You're right, and I agree with the second half, forgive me.

nonamethanks said:

We should be using the names that everyone else uses. A casual user of this site should be able to input the same name they see in game or in a wiki and find the exact same costume here.

By that reasoning we should be using the simpler names - Gamepress' wiki has been nuked, however it seems the new one (game8 i think?) uses shorthands
This just makes it harder to know which version is being tagged.

During my time playing the game nobody used the characters' "proper" titles, and they were used to be called, for example, Legendary Lyn/L!Lyn, or Brave Ike/B!Ike, S!F!Robin for Summer Female Robin, etc.
I'm not sure if that changed, so forgive me if that is the case. I just see this as needlessly pedantic is all.

Login_to_view said:

By that reasoning we should be using the simpler names - Gamepress' wiki has been nuked, however it seems the new one (game8 i think?) uses shorthands
This just makes it harder to know which version is being tagged.

During my time playing the game nobody used the characters' "proper" titles, and they were used to be called, for example, Legendary Lyn/L!Lyn, or Brave Ike/B!Ike, S!F!Robin for Summer Female Robin, etc.
I'm not sure if that changed, so forgive me if that is the case. I just see this as needlessly pedantic is all.

Browsing FEH player YouTube videos and glancing over the FEH reddit that still seems to be the case even today. I pretty much never interacted with the community, but the shorthands were so obvious that even I was naturally using them when talking to my friends about the game.

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