BUR #29525 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication heart-shaped_bandaid -> bandaid
create implication heart-shaped_bandaid -> heart
It's a bandaid
Posted under Tags
BUR #29525 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication heart-shaped_bandaid -> bandaid
create implication heart-shaped_bandaid -> heart
It's a bandaid
Huh? That's weird. Probably it depends on the total number of posts of the _implied_ tag as well. Heart has 543511 posts according to https://danbooru.donmai.us/counts/posts?tags=heart , probably it needs to have at least 1/10000th the post number for an implication. But why?
reg_panda said:
Huh? That's weird. Probably it depends on the total number of posts of the _implied_ tag as well. Heart has 543511 posts according to https://danbooru.donmai.us/counts/posts?tags=heart , probably it needs to have at least 1/10000th the post number for an implication. But why?
So that people are forced to actually populate a tag instead of adding a handful of posts to it and calling it a day.
The bulk update request #29525 (forum #296778) has been approved by @nonamethanks.