
Missed clothing grab implication

Posted under Tags

BUR #29088 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication neckwear_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication shirt_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication collar_grab -> neckwear_grab
create implication skirt_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication dress_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication scarf_grab -> neckwear_grab
create implication cape_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication hood_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication apron_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication neckerchief_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication belt_grab -> clothes_grab
create implication neck_ribbon_grab -> neckwear_grab
create implication ascot_grab -> neckwear_grab
create implication coat_grab -> clothes_grab

New clothing grab tags that were never made to imply clothing grab itself

The wording in the wikis for these grab tags are inconsistent.

clothes grab says that it can be used for either when a person is grabbing their own clothing, or someone else's.

When a character grabs or holds on to their own or someone else's clothes, without the intent to move the clothing (i.e. exposing what's underneath or covering up, see shirt tug and shirt pull). Also describes lightly tugging on another character's clothes to get their attention, often by someone who is sad or pouting.

Meanwhile, the clothing specific tags mostly specify one or the other.


Only for grabbing another's clothes

Only for grabbing own clothes