
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

GoroMatsu said:

Can I have some feedback on why this picture no good? The art style is similar to the artists other posts, but this one apparently not up to standard?
post #8062440

What bugs me a bit is the right shoulder of the left girl, but not enough to ruin the image.

Ashaci said:

your post is still pending and there is a lot of approvers that haven't seen it, give it some time.

Well, 6 approvers have seen it and haven't approved it, and it's been up for over a day now

Is there something wrong with the post?

gfgg062 said:

Well, 6 approvers have seen it and haven't approved it, and not to mention I have 6 unapproved posts at the moment and they've been up for hours

Is there something wrong with my posts?

You have two pending posts now. Approving takes time and can take several days, so please be patient.