
Alias Mohican -> Mohawk

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GreyOmega said:

It'd probably be better to put a qualifier on Mohican, so like Mohican_(hairstyle). In American English Mohican is pretty much universally understood to refer to the tribe.


Why does Mohawk need a qualifier at all? Is it actually ambigous with anything? I also second Mohican calling to mind the tribe or the novel Last of the Mohicans about them. If its an actual name for the hair style I don't mind the alias having the qualifier but I don't think the main mohawk tag needs one.

zetsubousensei said:

Why does Mohawk need a qualifier at all? Is it actually ambigous with anything? I also second Mohican calling to mind the tribe or the novel Last of the Mohicans about them. If its an actual name for the hair style I don't mind the alias having the qualifier but I don't think the main mohawk tag needs one.

It is also the name of Native American tribe like Mohican, to which the hairstyle is often misattributed to.


It is true the name comes from the Mohawk people, but where a google image search comes up with more Native Americans or places named for them with Mohican than the hairstyle, the same isn't true for Mohawk. The majority of images from an image search pulls up the hairstyle, suggesting the most common use of the term is for the hairstyle.