
[Blue Archive] Costume implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #29802 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication rabu_(swimsuit)_(blue_archive) -> rabu_(blue_archive)
create implication kaede_(swimsuit)_(blue_archive) -> kaede_(blue_archive)
create implication tsubaki_(swimsuit)_(blue_archive) -> tsubaki_(blue_archive)
create implication gamer_dev_sensei_(blue_archive) -> sensei_(blue_archive)

Unimplied swimsuit variants of students as seen in the official Blue Archive media, including Sensei from Game Development Department manga. As for iori_(dress)_(blue_archive), I cannot find the official media featuring Iori in a dress when I searched for it. I assume it's fanmade.


BUR #31804 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication kisaki_(kindergarten_uniform)_(blue_archive) -> kisaki_(blue_archive)
create implication toki_(abi-eshuh)_(blue_archive) -> toki_(blue_archive)

Official non-playable alternate costume that debuted in this month's event and this indeed became prolific per forum #308594. Also adding a new tag that has not been implied yet.

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