
Social Media Composition -> Meta

Posted under Tags

BUR #28873 has been rejected.

category social_media_composition -> meta

I found this tag called social media composition a while back, and thought it was supposed to be for images made to look like they were on social media in-universe. Turns out, that tag was actually social network, and this tag is, according to its wiki:

Image separation artifacts introduced by the artist when stitching multiple images together to emulate how they appear on the social media platform.

Considering a lot of our meta tags are based around image artifacts, wouldn't it make more sense for this to be a meta tag? Might stop people from mistagging if it were meta as opposed to gen.

Also, these tag names are kinda weird, but I don't got any proposals for changing them. Just that I think as it currently stands, it is very easy to get social media composition and social network mixed up based on name alone.

The wiki stipulating that the tag is about stitching artifacts seems strange to me. From the name of the tag, I would intuitively think that any post which was intended to be viewed in e.g. the twitter layout (e.g. post #8030953) should be tagged under this or some similar tag.

Yeah. It's why I attempted this BUR to begin with. I thought it was about artifacts introduced by social media platforms (a la the Twitter cropping issue many artists complain about), and so hence my thought of "Hey, shouldn't this be a meta tag?"

It's all really weird. On the one hand, I think a tag for such artifacts (or even just for the sorts of split images stitched together in this tag) is genuinely useful, so a nuke and/or deprecation is out of the question. But on the other hand...well, it's just kinda a mess, misleading name aside. ...Am I even right to think this is what the tag is for?

Maybe it should have a name referring to the split nature of an image, as often seen on Twitter or Weibo?

So just to get this straight, because I think there might be some overlap here. We currently have:

twitter thumbnail collage
For images that have been split up and then uploaded together on Twitter.
By taking advantage of how Twitter crops and stacks thumbnails, it creates something new by some kind of juxtaposition between themes or combining them into a whole new picture. This tag applies to both the combined image and the sub-images. (post #7844426)

For images that have been combined by someone else than the original artist. This is incidentally not considered a third-party edit.

social media composition
Purely for the lines that appear when an image is stitched together to account for the spacing between thumbnails.

Would it make sense to first remove the Twitter part of twitter thumbnail collage and change it to thumbnail collage so it can be used for images that come from other platforms besides Twitter.
As mentioned by Knowledge Seeker, I've seen people do this on Weibo too, and surely someone had done it on Flickr or Tumblr at some point.

social media composition could then be changed to purely focus on the stitch lines itself without having to focus on social media.
To keep in line with the other *_artifacts tags, perhaps something like stitching artifacts?

Apply stitched wherever it's applicable.

ao usagi did something similar on Pixiv years ago (post #668343 |分割霊夢), so this would then be taggable as well.

GabrielWB said:

So just to get this straight, because I think there might be some overlap here. We currently have...

Yep, sounds about right it seems. At least I think, considering two of the six images currently in social media composition appear to be mistags.

Would it make sense to first remove the Twitter part of twitter thumbnail collage and change it to thumbnail collage so it can be used for images that come from other platforms besides Twitter.
As mentioned by Knowledge Seeker, I've seen people do this on Weibo too, and surely someone had done it on Flickr or Tumblr at some point.

social media composition could then be changed to purely focus on the stitch lines itself without having to focus on social media.
To keep in line with the other *_artifacts tags, perhaps something like stitching artifacts?

Apply stitched wherever it's applicable.

ao usagi did something similar on Pixiv years ago (post #668343 |分割霊夢), so this would then be taggable as well.

Ya know, that sounds like a pretty solid idea if you ask me! Would be great to have a tag for this sort of thing for sites beyond Twitter, and stitching artifacts is also a lot more versatile and communicative a name than social media composition (and far less misleading too).

Ourobouro said:

The social media composition posts aren't meta artifacts though. Look at the posts in the tag -- post #8118722, post #8136590, post #8141317, post #8147676...etc etc. They are a parody of the four-image layout you find on sites like twitter, but are manually/intentionally stitched in that manner by the artist.

It's one of those viral trends/memes for artists that's going around, is all.

You just described the tag thumbnail collage. These posts should probably be moved into that tag if they don't have any notable stitching artifacts then.

Meanwhile, this tag's wiki describes it as being used for artifacts. It says nothing about being used for a viral meme or whatever (as that's what thumbnail collage is for), nor anything about actual composition beyond what it tends to be used for. As it currently stands, social media composition as a tag is very misleading namewise, and its name poorly reflects on its intents. And if its not for meta artifacts, as you claim, then what is the tag for? We already have a tag for that.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

BUR #31201 has been rejected.

create alias social_media_composition -> stitching_artifacts
category stitching_artifacts -> meta

Let's try this out and see what happens.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

You just described the tag thumbnail collage. These posts should probably be moved into that tag if they don't have any notable stitching artifacts then.

Meanwhile, this tag's wiki describes it as being used for artifacts. It says nothing about being used for a viral meme or whatever (as that's what thumbnail collage is for), nor anything about actual composition beyond what it tends to be used for. As it currently stands, social media composition as a tag is very misleading namewise, and its name poorly reflects on its intents. And if its not for meta artifacts, as you claim, then what is the tag for? We already have a tag for that.

I think the wiki isn't ideal, and by extension so is the name stitching artifacts. More often than not the art is drawn specifically to play into the +-shaped pattern, while the "artifacts" implies it's some unintended side-effect (it's not, since if they artist didn't want them they'd just post the full image). Even if it isn't stitched but just loose images, the same still applies.


I think the wiki isn't ideal, and by extension so is the name stitching artifacts. More often than not the art is drawn specifically to play into the +-shaped pattern, while the "artifacts" implies it's some unintended side-effect (it's not, since if they artist didn't want them they'd just post the full image). Even if it isn't stitched but just loose images, the same still applies.

...You know, that's a good point. So then...what should be done about this tag? Obviously, that wiki needs to be rewritten if its not meant to be about artifacts but a specific composition (which would make this a gentag, nuking the original proposal of making it a meta tag), then what should the tag be renamed to? Social media composition as it stands is a horribly misleading name, and there has to be a name that better describes what this tag is trying to be than that.

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