Kymil said:
Hello, I'd like to request a romanization of this artist
Artist's name is 山田ピーヤング
Thanks in advance.
This is Yamada Piiyangu
Posted under General
Kymil said:
Hello, I'd like to request a romanization of this artist
Artist's name is 山田ピーヤング
Thanks in advance.
This is Yamada Piiyangu
My first attempt at romanizing, so I'd appreciate a double check for this artist before I make the artist entry.
Name is げろっぷ , I came up with "geroppu".
Name is actually NIAN-年秊, which I was going to have as Nian Nian, but well...the reason that didn't work is self-explanatory. Is there any better solution than the atrocious qualifier I stuck on here?
Eiswasser said:
Hi. I need help naming a new entry for this post. Trying to romanize the word 简 but it's just "Jian". I feel like the name should be longer but idk exactly what to put it.
Please assist. Thanks.
Commentary suggests that this is a commissioned work (前几个月的约稿... 画师是姜シュカ). The artist should be kaga mi.
Hi, I'm searching the name for this artist user_jxcy7737
Imagine_Breaker said:
Hi, I'm searching the name for this artist user_jxcy7737
Twitter account of that artist is hanano_remon
need help with this one.
Ashaci said:
need help with this one.
優劣菈推: Youlie Latui
thinking "yishiyi" naively considering the amount of number names already tagged
tamuraakemi said:
thinking "yishiyi" naively considering the amount of number names already tagged
@tamuraakemi This can be qualified with some other kind of detail if it's too generic. In this case, the stacc, so artist_name_(ejgn5754).
need help with this one
Hi I'm searching the name for this artist くちといと to Create his entry to this post #8239057, post #8239042