
Mavuika does not have sun-shaped pupils

Posted under Tags

There are at least two critical flaws with this BUR.

What if someone later uploads a post with a character that actually does have sun-shaped pupils?

Did you check every post of her to make sure she was not drawn with symbol-shaped pupils in any of them? Even if you did take that into account, the mass update will still remove it from posts with other characters that are drawn with them such as post #7855473.
I think it would be better to just clean it up manually, or at least add solo to the mass update criteria.

What if someone later uploads a post with a character that actually does have sun-shaped pupils?

What would actual sun-shaped pupils even be, and how would it even be distinct from star-shaped_pupils?

Did you check every post of her to make sure she was not drawn with symbol-shaped pupils in any of them? Even if you did take that into account, the mass update will still remove it from posts with other characters that are drawn with them such as post #7855473.

That post is missing the tags flower-shaped pupils and drop-shaped pupils. Since those imply symbol-shaped pupils, if they were added it would prevent symbol-shaped pupils from being removed.

I think it would be better to just clean it up manually, or at least add solo to the mass update criteria.

This tag is currently only being used for Mavuika posts.

I could change the alias to update mavuika_(genshin_impact) sun-shaped_pupils -> -sun-shaped_pupils sunburst_iris, or review all of the posts manually, but neither of those will do anything to stop people from continuing to add sun-shaped pupils incorrectly.

Blank_User said:

There are at least two critical flaws with this BUR.

What if someone later uploads a post with a character that actually does have sun-shaped pupils?

Did you check every post of her to make sure she was not drawn with symbol-shaped pupils in any of them? Even if you did take that into account, the mass update will still remove it from posts with other characters that are drawn with them such as post #7855473.
I think it would be better to just clean it up manually, or at least add solo to the mass update criteria.

I think it's silly to suggest cleaning up manually a tag that was clearly created only for one specific character's design and then mass-added onto that character's posts. We don't need to worry about overshooting the target in these circumstances.

Arcana55 said:

Taggers do not understand the difference between iris and pupil.

One person created the tag and added it to every single post. I'm mostly adding it now for cases like this (a BUR that'll update it), but that is true, the shape is the iris not the pupil itself. I don't think the alias should be made though since that removes the tag name's availability should real sun-shaped pupils posts be made in the future. The shape of a sun is not the shape of a star, so disagree with that disagreement.

(ETA if you saw my flub in forum feed, swapped the words.)