
Alias nikke -> goddess_of_victory:_nikke

Posted under Tags

BUR #29594 has been rejected.

create alias nikke -> goddess_of_victory:_nikke

I just noticed it's one of the top missed searches and so far it doesn't seem ambiguous (it's the first search result on both Google and DuckDuckGo for me). Additionally, the same word is used as a qualifier for their characters.

CurePikachu said:

Kinda funny because if you type nikke into tag search, autocomplete will have goddess of victory: nikke as a top result by the time you are on your 3rd character... which is also the point where you see results for things like nike_(company).

Yeah, I found that odd too, I'm guessing that must come from bots / third party clients or just trigger happy people that don't even wait for the autocomplete suggestions

I'd maybe opt for the game's alternate titles, "Nikke: Goddess of Victory" and "Nikke: The Goddess of Victory". But it's actually faster to use autocomplete here so no need

The missed searches page does not represent real searches, it's sampling-based and uses some weird algorithm to decide what numbers to display. There were around 400 actual searches for "nikke" in the last 7 days, which is fairly insignificant as far as danbooru traffic and the popularity of this tag goes, and it all seems to come from older devices like Android 10 phones, or bots.

By comparison the main tag had around 200k searches in the same period.