BUR #28432 has been rejected.
create alias dress_shirt -> button-up_shirt
dress_shirt is specifically for collared shirts with front buttons. However, that name is somewhat lacking in descriptiveness; upon hearing it, one would generally assume it's a tag for "some kind of fancy shirt", or perhaps even "a shirt that is as long as a dress". The term "button-up shirt", on the other hand, describes the garment perfectly.
Searching Google Images for "button-up shirt" brings up over 11 million results, and if you scroll through them, literally every single result is a collared shirt fastened with buttons. It might not be as popular of a term as "dress shirt", but it's far more descriptive and intuitive as a tag name, and with 10m+ Google results it's fairly well-known - hardly some obscure term that's been pulled out of someone's ass. As such, it should be the tag's name.