post #9000000 GET!

Please help populate this new pool for devastating insults

Posted under General

I recently created the BURN! pool, and I'd like some help populating it. Ordinarily this is something I'd do myself, but I have no way to search for such posts, and since they tend to be more memorable than the average post, I'd appreciate people adding any posts they can remember that fit the bill. I'm not expecting anyone to spend hours on this, just a couple minutes if you can recall any applicable posts. Thanks in advance :)

Blank_User said:

How does this new pool differ from Harsh Words?

Feels like they would heavily overlap. I'm not sure whatever distinction between the two we could come up with wouldn't be totally arbitrary.

Almost all of the images currently added to the new pool are already in Harsh Words, and half of the ones that aren't should be. Seems like a redundant pool.

The Harsh Words pool contains many posts that are just a verbal diarrhea of abuse directed at the viewer, and another big chunk is made up of generic one-line insults like "you're trash" and "go die" - hell, someone even thought this was enough to count. And to top it all off, not everything in the pool is even an insult; some posts are just stating a particularly harsh truth.

It's a good pool, but trying to find stuff like this in it means scrolling past hundreds of harsh, but not particularly memorable, insults. Telling someone that both their ears and head are ornamental is a rather amusing and creative insult, but to find it in the Harsh Words pool I'd have to wade through twenty posts where the insult is just you're filth. That's why I created the BURN! pool.

Okay, I think I'm starting to see how the pools are different now. If I understand correctly, BURN! emphasizes wit more than harshness, while Harsh Words emphasizes harshness more than wit. Making that difference clear would help justify the pool, though there is still the issue of deciding what would count as witty enough (though Harsh Words has the same issue like many other subjective pools).

I'm not as against it as before, but I'll leave the BUR I made in topic #8282 up since it's still sounds pretty contentious.

blindVigil said:

It still just sounds like we've created a pool that's just a subset of another pool. I wouldn't consider something like to be a particularly "sick burn" either, personally. It's not particularly clever or devastating, it's just slightly above just saying "Are you deaf?"

Regardless of whether any specific example does or doesn't count, the issue still remains that applicable posts are very difficult/time consuming to find without this pool.

Blank_User said:

Okay, I think I'm starting to see how the pools are different now. If I understand correctly, BURN! emphasizes wit more than harshness, while Harsh Words emphasizes harshness more than wit. Making that difference clear would help justify the pool, though there is still the issue of deciding what would count as witty enough (though Harsh Words has the same issue like many other subjective pools).

I'm not as against it as before, but I'll leave the BUR I made in topic #8282 up since it's still sounds pretty contentious.

I've updated the pool's description to give more emphasis on that point.