post #9000000 GET!

Xiaohongshu Issues

Posted under General

Been having trouble getting links to work from there. I recently been able to make an account on there thanks to a new WeChat account from the Lofter debacle, but I can't get it to work on desktop, and any method of getting links to work anywhere (not just on Danbooru) has been abysmal. Anyone have any idea what I could do?

Knowledge_Seeker said:

Been having trouble getting links to work from there. I recently been able to make an account on there thanks to a new WeChat account from the Lofter debacle, but I can't get it to work on desktop, and any method of getting links to work anywhere (not just on Danbooru) has been abysmal. Anyone have any idea what I could do?

There are 2 Chrome extensions to get a "mobile view" in the PC for Xiaohongshu. I wonder if you tried them already?
They are called "Xiaohongshu for Desktop" and "Web Client for Xiaohongshu"

Knowledge_Seeker said:

I have not! Main issue is that I don't use Chrome anymore. So if there isn't a Firefox equivalent to them, I can't use them.

I cannot attest whether they work logged in or not because I do not have a Xiaohongshu account unfortunately (the process of trying to get one was the most frustrating and unfruitful thing I had to deal with in this year so far)

At least I can congratulate you on getting one recently!
And now that you mentioned the Lofter debacle, I have been meaning to create a thread about "Weibo issues" (since yesterday, I cannot use tag search without logging in, and so far I could not create an account either, but at least I can still browse artist profiles) but I was not sure how to word it properly

And now that you mentioned the Lofter debacle, I have been meaning to create a thread about "Weibo issues" (since yesterday, I cannot use tag search without logging in, and so far I could not create an account either, but at least I can still browse artist profiles) but I was not sure how to word it properly

Off topic, but I found a loophole by searching from their mobile web version.

Sober_Bober said:

Off topic, but I found a loophole by searching from their mobile web version.


Thanks for this information, it works both on mobile browser and in the PC domain
Hopefully they will not decide to break this too...

Back on the original topic...Xiaohongshu bookmarklet links just won't work, even after I confirm through the app variant that it isn't deleted. I don't know what to do, since the two workarounds above don't work for me, but it seems others are able to upload from there just fine.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

Back on the original topic...Xiaohongshu bookmarklet links just won't work, even after I confirm through the app variant that it isn't deleted. I don't know what to do, since the two workarounds above don't work for me, but it seems others are able to upload from there just fine.

Post page:
User page:

Put the post ID behind the user page link (, then paste it into the upload page.


Okay, so this morning I just started getting that "this link has no images" error prompt when I input the link normally as taught per this thread, and when I went to check to make sure I wasn't seeing things, sure enough I got an error screen on Xiaohongshu. What now?

Edit: Okay, I found that directly downloading and inputting the link seems to work? I'm not seeing that annoying watermark too, nor noticing any oddities with the file size the bookmarklet would catch, but I don't wanna count my chickens before they hatch.


i tried to make a small discord bot for myself that'd take the autogenerated link messages from xiaohongshu's mobile app like this:

15 kituro发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 8ReG6FS8g9pjPzN 😆,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!

and respond with just the url, along with the image url (the first one from the discord embed, if such exists, otherwise does nothing) and a danbooru upload url in the style of ones outputted by the upload to danbooru browser extension, as such:


however, the resulting danbooru media asset, in this case asset #24217217, still has the image url rather than the xhslink. is there something wrong with the way my outputted danbooru urls are written, or is it just what danbooru will always do with &ref= ? in this case, must i find a way to get the proper redirected url?

I don't believe Danbooru has normalisation support for Xiaohongshu's CDN right now (contrast with any Pixiv asset where a direct image is normalised to the /artworks/ album), and anything sourced to Xiaohongshu's short links will automatically add bad source. This might be relevant: issue #5738. I don't believe you will be able to add Xiaohongshu's short link to an asset's sources until a deployment with normalisation for it happens.

well, this sucks. thanks

edit: found a way to get the needed url. if anyone wants to try the bot out for themselves: and

just don't add it to any servers with more than one person without restricting it to one specific channel. it tries to react to everything it sees because i didn't bother limiting it directly

also if the embed doesn't pop up, try spamming the message a few times. it usually starts appearing soon. though some types of embeds just don't work for some reason no longer true, they work fine now (discord considers them thumbnails rather than images)


something really strange is going on with xiaohongshu

consider post #8590041. its source is technically - my bot gets the links with /discovery/item/ instead of /explore/, like this, but danbooru normalizes them as such. it's fine though

but i can't view either link at all - both just tell me to log in on PC, showing me a page with an url like<i'm not sure if i should be showing that number here> that says:

but on mobile, i get redirected to a 404 page instead:
that has a link to the exact same post, but in the app instead...? it's a xhsdiscover://item/65fac663000000000d00c8dc?<lots of extra stuff i can't copy>, with the 404 page saying "当前内容仅支持在小红书 APP 内查看". according to deepl it says "The current content can only be viewed in the Little Red Book APP.". on a 404 page. christ

naturally, the links still work, it's just that it's not one shortened link per post, they seem to be generated uniquely every time you want to share the damn thing. an example of such link for this specific post is, which works just fine on PC

i hate modern social media.