
alias ali_baba_saluja -> alibaba_saluja

Posted under Tags

It indeed allows

alias ali_baba_saluja -> alibaba_saluja
unalias ali_baba_saluja -> alibaba_saluja

that's a bug then.

Anyway I'll keep the BUR as it is, with only the alias, after a second thought. He is ali_baba on zerochan (+ not to mess with the 2 votes).

reg_panda said:

It indeed allows

alias ali_baba_saluja -> alibaba_saluja
unalias ali_baba_saluja -> alibaba_saluja

that's a bug then.

No it isn't. It's a workaround that is used by members of all levels, including admins. I don't know why we can't just use rename for tags with more than 200 posts, but the workaround isn't something that needs to be fixed. If anything, we should remove the post limit for rename.

The limit on rename size exists precisely to force you to submit an alias instead. Alias removals like these should only be done in case of ambiguity, otherwise it doesn't hurt to have the alias since we've used the previous name for years.