BUR #27658 has been rejected.
create implication polo_shirt -> collared_shirt
According to the wiki, polo shirts should also be collared shirt
Posted under Tags
BUR #27658 has been rejected.
create implication polo_shirt -> collared_shirt
According to the wiki, polo shirts should also be collared shirt
The bulk update request #27658 (forum #286092) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
We tend not to imply tags like these because there could be a case where a part of the design is not visible so it qualifies for the tag but not for the implication (see the case of serafuku vs sailor collar). Could there be any cases of polo shirts being tagged when the collar is out of frame? What if only the three buttons are visible, but the collar is out of frame, thus qualifying for the tag but not for collared shirt?
Woops, even I hadn't thought about that...Which is silly of me, now that I think about it. Since, really, a shirt that has a wing collar doesn't make the shirt a polo by default. Just look at the dress shirt tag, which implicates shirt - maybe around 95% have wing collars. That was a huge oversight. :PekoraOgey: