Been thinking about it(alright, I only thought of it up today) and seeing how other already say that it has it's own entity, should it at least not have a name/tag of it's own? I mean, I seen a few picture of it by itself and is not always in a pic with Suwako(unlike Kogasa's umbrella which is always with her). Not sure what to call it myself but seems some people already started calling it Pyonta(post #458119, post #469434) so I guess the best I could do is back it up. Just suggesting at least a name/tag for it so searching(and possibly tagging)would be easier or better then looking through over 100 pages of Hat and moriya_suwako for a certain picture of it. Also, another proof/reason it should have a name would be; post #553348 and possibly post #425856
It wouldn't be out of line to create a tag if it became an explosively popular meme in its own right but it doesn't quite seem like it's there yet. If there were a sudden flood of "pyonta" art I could see it. But as it stands, I don't think so.
evazion said: What's so bad about making this a tag? We have a tag for myon even though there are only a handful of posts of myon by itself.
Actually, I haven't really even seen one picture of just Myon. Was there really such thing? Also, the same can almost be said about Hourai(mostly) and Shanghai.
Whoa, I didn't know you can specifically find a tag/picture.
Also,I found a few post with Suwako's hat without Suwako. Still trying to find more but interestly, I found this; post #526822 It seems Suwako's hat full name is Pyontaro. Kinda funny. So far I found about 21(and thank god) pictures of just Suwako's hat(A.k.a Pyonta/Pyontaro) not counting some flashes and I could have made 1 or 2 mistakes out of 148 page of Suwako. Is this good enough? If you want I can temperary tag those and you can delete it if you. That is, if you want proof(and i hope not cause it took forever to go through all 148 pages) But I'm not sure if I could and i didn't really count post #425856 and post #527194 since you do see Suwako but she's a hat. So if you are to make a tag, I'll be ready to help spread around(probably, unless others want to help too. It will help alot) Infact I'm about to go to every imageboard site and make a post about what to call it.
I hate that hat so much. God dammit (it even ruined a perfectly good tail_bell: post #555686).
Anyway, check-out post #556931 and post #556936 (improperly tagged with moriya_suwako, since she is not present in those images. And the quality's not that good, either).
As much as I hate that thing, I'm sure it deserves more than to be just simply tagged with "hat". I'm sure others can also agree it can be considered sentient. I know I do, and I despise it.
The hat does seem to be becoming its own entity, and isn't that the usual standard for giving things separate tags? Hence why we have Kyonko rather than just kyon genderswap.
Bapabooiee said: I hate that hat so much. God dammit (it even ruined a perfectly good tail_bell: post #555686).
Anyway, check-out post #556931 and post #556936 (improperly tagged with moriya_suwako, since she is not present in those images. And the quality's not that good, either).
As much as I hate that thing, I'm sure it deserves more than to be just simply tagged with "hat". I'm sure others can also agree it can be considered sentient. I know I do, and I despise it.
Sorry about naming it Moriya Suwako but I only did it cause like you said just adding hat would be no point and that since no one decided to give it a name yet it's the best choice there is for now.
I've wanted a tag for that hat on several occasions. It's sometimes a focus in the image on its own, and it even appears as a independent character. You can't argue that's not taggable, though I suppose the name could be debated. Maybe you could specify in the wiki that the tag is only to be used in cases where the hat itself acts independently or otherwise does something interesting, though I realize such subjective measures tend to beget overtagging.
If fans turn the hat into a character then it should get a tag, then again the hat shows expression every now and then so it's alive in some fandoms already. It's only a matter of time until the hat talks to Suwako, controls her mind, or grows a UFO bottom and flies around, then Suwako's hat will be a it's own. character derserving it's own tag... i guess.
Meh, for now, I was thinking maybe a pool would do the job.
It could simply be titled "Suwako's Hat", and the premise would be that it should contain posts where her hat outwardly/noticeably shows signs of sentience.
And Kata', all I'm saying is that I just hate that hat... or at least, its evil, leering eyes.
Edit: Well, crap. I fail at grammar, as 葉月 pointed out (that's what happens when I skim over my reply rather than reading it in full). This post has also been edited for unnecessary lameness.
葉月 said: No. If it mutates into a meme, it should get a tag. Backstories are *not* something we concern ourselves with.
Yeah I know, I just wanna see a back story cause that thing is odd and I wanna know where it came from and wtf. Also I just read the Touhou Academy series and that series had it as a living character with a name anger issues and the ability. lol If that caught on then boom we would have a character and a new tag.
Background info is useful, especially in obscure characters like this, there's no doubt. I just object to the notion of "now we just wait for the backstory". We don't need characters to have backstories to tag them, and all the info needed is contained in this thread already, so there's nothing to wait for, assuming we do go for pyonta.