
Split alias

Posted under Tags

BUR #29072 has been rejected.

create alias split -> splits
remove alias split -> splits
deprecate split

Not sure why the tag is split; I've only ever heard the pose referred to as "the splits". On top of this, the current name is leading to ambiguity mistags such as post #7262123/post #2070905, and autocomplete mistags such as post #7705796/post #7372450 (split_mouth) and post #7763513 (split_theme). As such, splits is the better name for the tag.


AngryZapdos said:

BUR #29072 has been rejected.

create alias split -> splits
remove alias split -> splits
deprecate split

Not sure why the tag is split; I've only ever heard the pose referred to as "the splits". On top of this, the current name is leading to ambiguity mistags such as post #7262123, and autocomplete mistags such as post #7705796/post #7372450 (split_mouth) and post #7763513 (split_theme). As such, splits is the better name for the tag.

It might be a regional thing - I've never heard it referred to as "the splits", only a singular "split".

OblivArt said:

It might be a regional thing - I've never heard it referred to as "the splits", only a singular "split".

I've only ever heard it referred to as "the splits," if you asked me if I could do a split I'd know what you meant, but its not a very natural sounding phrase compared to "Can you do the splits?"

Regardless the tag is a mess and full of mistags like post #7496057 because split singular is ambiguous and encompasses several meanings.

Edit: It is a regional thing


zetsubousensei said:

I've only ever heard it referred to as "the splits," if you asked me if I could do a split I'd know what you meant, but its not a very natural sounding phrase compared to "Can you do the splits?"

Yeah, from my point of view "the splits" sounds completely unnatural and borderline grammatically incorrect, and I don't think I'd even be able to come up with the term "the splits" if I were trying to find that pose in a search. Wikipedia refers to it in a technical manner as a singular "split", so I think if anything we should just qualify it rather than renaming the technical term to a colloquialism that won't be recognizable to everyone.

zetsubousensei said:

Edit: It is a regional thing

According to dialectsurvey (that page ^), "splits" is more than 2x as popular as "split" in the USA. (A world-wide survey would be better tho, if surveys do count at all.)
(Also I don't believe it proves that it is a regional thing, they would color the map with red-blue somehow, regardless of the results.)

BUR #29075 has been rejected.

create alias split -> split_(gymnastics)
remove alias split -> split_(gymnastics)
deprecate split

Technical term with qualifier, for universal recognizability and consistency/compatability with split subtypes (standing split, straddle split, which also imply split), rather than changing to a regional colloquialism. We can alias the splits into it, if needed.