
Fire Emblem Heroes tags renames

Posted under Tags

...I don't actually know which direction this is supposed to go. Some tags use the full name from Heroes, while others are just "Summer" or "Winter" or whatever. At the very least, the full names could be useful as utility aliases, since it seems most tags use the simpler name, looking at topic #22728.

BUR #28583 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create alias camilla_(summer)_(fire_emblem) -> camilla_(tropical_beauty)_(fire_emblem)
create alias camilla_(spring)_(fire_emblem) -> camilla_(spring_princess)_(fire_emblem)
create alias chrom_(spring)_(fire_emblem) -> chrom_(spring_exalt)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lucina_(spring)_(fire_emblem) -> lucina_(spring_exalt)_(fire_emblem)
create alias xander_(spring)_(fire_emblem) -> xander_(spring_prince)_(fire_emblem)
create alias micaiah_(summer)_(fire_emblem) -> micaiah_(wavecrest_maiden)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lyn_(summer)_(fire_emblem) -> lyn_(lady_of_the_beach)_(fire_emblem)
create alias gaius_(summer)_(fire_emblem) -> gaius_(thief_exposed)_(fire_emblem)
create alias frederick_(summer)_(fire_emblem) -> frederick_(horizon_watcher)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lyn_(bridal)_(fire_emblem) -> lyn_(bride_of_the_plains)_(fire_emblem)
create alias cordelia_(bridal)_(fire_emblem) -> cordelia_(perfect_bride)_(fire_emblem)
create alias charlotte_(bridal)_(fire_emblem) -> charlotte_(money_maiden)_(fire_emblem)
create alias caeda_(bridal)_(fire_emblem) -> caeda_(talys's_bride)_(fire_emblem)

Looking at my own thoughts, I think we should do the opposite of BUR #28565 (simplifying tags). Thing is, all of these tags have some sort of disclaimer on their wiki stating that it shouldn't be used on any unofficial alternate costumes with the same theme. Using the proper names given to these alts would fix that, much like what Azur Lane does with their skins. This is a small sample for voting.

Keeping the generic qualifers as aliases should do well for searchability.

Their seasonal versions for FEH tend to always follow the same overarching theme with the same annual scheduled release periods, whether it's their two summer sets, Christmas, new years, Halloween, spring (Easter), Ninja, June Bride, etc. The simplified naming simply followed the annual set it was belonging to and not the individual name for the character. Their individual names are likely potentially arbitrary anyway, as with resplendent versions of characters it is possible for the same name to belong to two completely different appearances.

When FEH started to get character alts, I looked into what should be done both here and in the server and we decided at the time that using shortened versions made more sense since people were more likely to look for Brave_Ike/Ike_(Brave) rather than Ike_Brave_Mercenary

As time passed and the regularity/consistency of the alts happened this solidified into making more sense for the game. If we do decide to move to the official full names, I think aliases for the shortened versions would be good to keep.

Why? These aren't clear for either people who don't play the game nor for people who do.
(By the way, I hate that this sounds very asshole-ish, but isn't it better to redirect these efforts into making implication BURs between the alts and the main character tags?)

BUR #30773 has been rejected.


create alias camilla_(tropical_beauty)_(fire_emblem) -> camilla_(summer)_(fire_emblem)
create alias camilla_(spring_princess)_(fire_emblem) -> camilla_(spring)_(fire_emblem)
create alias chrom_(spring_exalt)_(fire_emblem) -> chrom_(spring)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lucina_(spring_exalt)_(fire_emblem) -> lucina_(spring)_(fire_emblem)
create alias xander_(spring_prince)_(fire_emblem) -> xander_(spring)_(fire_emblem)
create alias micaiah_(wavecrest_maiden)_(fire_emblem) -> micaiah_(summer)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lyn_(lady_of_the_beach)_(fire_emblem) -> lyn_(summer)_(fire_emblem)
create alias gaius_(thief_exposed)_(fire_emblem) -> gaius_(summer)_(fire_emblem)
create alias frederick_(horizon_watcher)_(fire_emblem) -> frederick_(summer)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lyn_(bride_of_the_plains)_(fire_emblem) -> lyn_(bridal)_(fire_emblem)
create alias cordelia_(perfect_bride)_(fire_emblem) -> cordelia_(bridal)_(fire_emblem)
create alias charlotte_(money_maiden)_(fire_emblem) -> charlotte_(bridal)_(fire_emblem)
create alias caeda_(talys's_bride)_(fire_emblem) -> caeda_(bridal)_(fire_emblem)
create alias embla_(closed-off_bride)_(fire_emblem) -> embla_(bridal)_(fire_emblem)
create alias lapis_(mighty_bride)_(fire_emblem) -> lapis_(bridal)_(fire_emblem)
create alias edelgard_von_hresvelg_(snowfall_future) -> edelgard_von_hresvelg_(winter)
create alias byleth_(female)_(frosty_professor)_(fire_emblem) -> byleth_(female)_(winter)_(fire_emblem)
create alias byleth_(male)_(frosty_professor)_(fire_emblem) -> byleth_(male)_(winter)_(fire_emblem)
create alias kvasir_(unknown_future)_(fire_emblem) -> kvasir_(new_year)_(fire_emblem)

Let's put this up to vote, then. This BUR reverses the one that was just approved, and also aliases the tags in BUR #28565 to the same format.

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