
SIGNALIS - Corrupted forms

Posted under Tags

Their corrupted (effectively zombie) forms are awfully different from their normal forms, is their a reason they have to be lumped together when it just forces the usage of a minus search to find their not-corrupted states? Seems fine keeping the two separate.

GreyOmega said:

Their corrupted (effectively zombie) forms are awfully different from their normal forms, is their a reason they have to be lumped together when it just forces the usage of a minus search to find their not-corrupted states? Seems fine keeping the two separate.

None of the tags go beyond 100 artworks. The opposite would force two searches to find both normal and corrupted states.

Login_to_view said:

None of the tags go beyond 100 artworks. The opposite would force two searches to find both normal and corrupted states.

But they're essentially completely different things after corruption, much like a mutated zombie that has long since lost it's original human appearance. For example a corrupted_storch_(signalis) (example) is visually completely different from a non-corrupted storch_(signalis) (post #6635830) with the corrupted thing having no arms and a massive beak like head. Lumping them together because one was created from the other seems silly when there is no visual similarity.