
nuke speech_bubble

Posted under Tags

BUR #28508 has been rejected.

nuke speech_bubble

From forum #291819. This tag is completely useless, nobody's going to search for any post where a speech bubble appears. It's a proxy tag for better searches such as translation request, translated or comic (and the filtering thereof).

Before this is approved, it should be cursorily combed for special cases such as uncommon speech bubbles or posts centering on speech bubbles.
Some thoughts on potential new tags that could or should be created before we go ahead:

Given the importance of speech bubbles in the realm of art there's probably many more cases that are currently unsearchable but should be tagged, so feel free to brainstorm and braindump in this topic.


I don't disagree with the claim, but one issue I have with this proposal is the knock-on effect it'll have on comic. Comic and its associated tags already receive mistags because some taggers use the tag as an umbrella for any image which contains elements associated with comics, such as speech bubbles, and this would just worsen this issue.

I do not have an alternative, but I like being able to find clean images for wallpapers. Removing it will make avoiding images that have speech bubbles or text much harder

nonamethanks said:

From forum #291819. This tag is completely useless, nobody's going to search for any post where a speech bubble appears. It's a proxy tag for better searches such as translation request, translated or comic (and the filtering thereof).

How do you search images without speech bubbles in them if the tag doesn't exist anymore? You can't use -comic because images can have speech bubbles without being comics (unless comic applies to absolutely any image with speech bubbles in them?), and you can't use translation_request or translated because that can also refer to text on the images that have nothing to do with speech bubbles.
(The other way around is true as well, if you DO want images WITH speech bubbles in them for whatever reason you can't search for that with translation_request, translated or comic)

Unbreakable said:

I've always thought this tag was useless, even more so when tagged on posts already tagged comic, it feels like padding.

There’s plenty of images that are not comic that have speech bubbles unfortunately

nonamethanks said:

This tag is completely useless, nobody's going to search for any post where a speech bubble appears.

I just don't know if that's true. I personally have no current desire to search for them, but I can imagine several reasons why someone might. For example, perhaps they're a degenerate who wants to make some shitty easily-edited memes, or an artist who wishes to draw inspiration from how other artists render their own speech bubbles.

Some thoughts on potential new tags that could or should be created before we go ahead:

Given the importance of speech bubbles in the realm of art there's probably many more cases that are currently unsearchable but should be tagged, so feel free to brainstorm and braindump in this topic.

I do, however, think this is a good idea. uncommon_speech_bubble is a bit too vague imo, but your other tag suggestions would definitely be useful. There's also overlapping_speech_bubbles, which probably has more than just 5 posts hiding on the site somewhere and could do with some populating.

nonamethanks said:

Do you have an example of searches that would be affected by this?

I'm not sure I understand what example you're asking for, because the searches affected by this would just be any search related to speech bubbles?
If the tag is gone there is no real way to filter them out of your search results if you, for one reason or another, are looking for images that don't have speech bubbles in them. Be it clean images for wallpapers, or this, or that.
Alternatively, if you DO want to find specifically images with speech bubbles in them for one purpose or another like for example described by AngryZapdos, that's also not possible anymore - at best you have to add several translation tags to your search and that doesn't guarantee speech bubbles it just guarantees images with some form of text in it, even if the text is actually the title of a book on a table that has been translated with a note. It may not be the most commonly searched (or filtered out) tag but I don't really see what getting rid of it accomplishes when there is no alternate way to search for, or filter out, speech bubbles.

Don't create solutions just to invent problems.

As one of those who have used (or excluded) this specific tag - several times, and recently at that - it's not something I'd qualify as useless or padding. It's nuanced, certainly, and not a bogeyman that comes out of my closet to harass me all too often, but it does come out to harass me sometimes so it's better to keep that thang on me.

When I'm searching for things to include in (or exclude from) my daily harebrained pictographic schemes it's usually about specifics and shape: As mentioned previously a comic is not indicative of a speech bubble (and vice versa) or even a translation / something to be translated, as some speech bubbles aren't used to host text or dialogue at all. Furthermore, dialogue boxes sometimes don't have the same flair or emotional conveyance as some speech bubbles might, and when the two factors are together it makes things even more opaque.

If I absolutely had to come up with a solution under duress it would be to make the "dialogue_box" tag a catch-all for boxes, bubbles, and other shapes including dialogue and text, perhaps, but that has its own pitfalls and isn't really an issue that needs to be solved to begin with.