reg_panda said:
help:upload_rules currently says that hard-translated comics are allowed on danbooru, you just have to be super duper careful, and expect higher rejection ratio. So do third-party_edit, hard-translated, hard-translated_(non-english), and anything related.
Most third-party edits and non-English hard translated posts are against the rules. To simplify things, most third-party edits that aren't (mainly non-destructive edits) don't implicate the tag.
As for hard-translated posts in non-English languages, they would still need to be translated to English like any other post, except now they're being translated from a translation, meaning errors are more likely. They're only allowed when the original image is not available.
They are in a weird situation in practice, as you can see 95% or more of hard translation gets rejected: hard-translated. (Turn on the display of deleted pictures.) Most people you ask will even say that they are against the rules.
This situation is not ideal, since it can mislead people, and then they'll lose their upload slots. ...
I don't see how it's misleading. It's borderline content because while it's not going to be approvable most of the time, there are exceptions. Borderline content is usually only accepted under extraordinary conditions.
... As a user, I love hard translated images, post #7797201 :PixivElephant: is a better image than its parent. But as a tagger, I hate duplicated images, since they cause twice the work. :BlobNotLikeThis:
If the images are similar enough, you can just make sure one post is fully tagged, copy/paste the gentags to the other post, and add/remove tags as needed. Definitely much faster than typing them all out again.
I can't speak in the name of approvers, but I think your hard-translated, and decensored images will be rejected in the future too.
Third-party decensoring is pretty much a guarantee for rejection (or even manual deletion) since it's explicitly against the rules.