
Tales of Hearts English name aliases

Posted under Tags

Blank_User said:

BUR #23510 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias calcedny_arcome -> chalcedony_akerman
create alias calcedony_arcome -> chalcedony_akerman
create alias flora_spodune -> fluora_spodumene
create alias galando_grinus -> gall_gruner
create alias gallad_grinus -> gall_gruner
create alias innes_lorenz -> ines_lorenzen
create alias paraiba_marine_de_rais -> paraiba_tourmaline_(tales)
create alias richea_spodune -> lithia_spodumene

Localized English names for Tales of Hearts.

Paraba Tourmaline is the name of a real precious stone.

nonamethanks said:

Do we really need jp aliases for minor characters like these? This guy has only one post.

I didn't think the number of posts mattered for JP -> EN aliases. Wouldn't the fact that he doesn't have many posts make the alias more justified instead of less? In the event someone uploads another post of the character using the Japanese version's name, wouldn't it be less of a headache to alias it so it's changed to the English version's name right away instead of it being lost among the millions of other posts on the site and potentially never being corrected?

I found a few posts on Tumblr tagged with #Isaac_Silver while also not tagged with #Azide_Silver. The translated tags function won't help with those. The only way I can think of to fix it without an alias is to include the romanized name in the wiki's Other Names field. I recently read what you said in topic #27897 about what they're for, so it sounds to me like it would be okay to add it to Other Names in this case, but I'm having trouble finding examples of this actually being done because most chartags seem to just use aliases to take care of it. What would be the best solution here?