
New copyright: Odd Squad

Posted under General

I think some of Jayzhine's art for this copyright would get approved. I think people would find Raviolet's art slightly below the quality standard, or off-topic.

LQ said:

I think some of Jayzhine's art for this copyright would get approved. I think people would find Ravioliet's art slightly below the quality standard, or off-topic.

Awesome! Now, there's the issue of me not knowing how to create new copyright and character tags, and the only artist tag I've ever created being my own-

MintyBea said:

Awesome! Now, there's the issue of me not knowing how to create new copyright and character tags, and the only artist tag I've ever created being my own-

Type "copy:" before a tag to make it a copyright tag.
Type "char:" before a tag to make it a character tag.
If you change the category of an existing general tag by mistake, you can change it back by typing "gen:" before it.

MintyBea said:

Awesome! Now, there's the issue of me not knowing how to create new copyright and character tags, and the only artist tag I've ever created being my own-

When entering the tag you'd write copyright:odd_squad or copy:odd_squad to make Odd Squad a copyright tag, and character:character_name or char:character_name to make the character tag. See howto:artist for more information on making artist listings.

How to make a copyright tag.
To make a tag be a copyright tag, prefix it with "copyright:" or "copy:". Remember to replace spaces with underscores (like_this).

from howto:copyright

That is, you add copy:odd_squad as a tag in the taglist, and it will create a copyright tag for it.

MintyBea said:

Help, I'm trying to upload images but it says the posts I'm trying to upload don't have any (BLATANTLY untrue)
A little help?

I don't know if this is the cause of your issue, but I'm getting a prompt saying I need to be signed in to Tumblr to access jayzhine's blog. I'm not having any issues accessing evillandscaper's blog without an account though, and it seems you were able to upload one of their works without any problems.