post #9000000 GET!

Batch download a tag set

Posted under General

There's a faulty line in the script, which causes -s=.. to give errors.
This line seems to reference to the query function in the file (?).
Unfortunately, that's where the script gets complicated. I don't understand the code, and I can't grasp the big picture of the script.

Anyway -s=.. doesn't seem to work, at the moment anyway. This doesn't look like a fault of a recent code change on Danbooru or something (seeing as it has happened earlier, and happens on at least Gelbooru as well).
Anonymous said that removing the use strict; from allows the script to run (but not being able to download anything). I still get the same error, whether or not I remove the line.
Might as well add that --pos=.. gives the same results.

In fact, the script doesn't seem to make any sense. The way it's written suggests that the script should download the images in ascending order of ID (smallest ID first), but looking at the output, it seems to start from the highest number...

Actually, I managed to fix the problem. Or rather, I circumvented it. I just basically made a hack which compares the output ID with the maximum ID, so the script starts from the newest files, and goes down to the specified value.
The file:
If you replace the file with this, and it should be usable. Note that I left the -s variable intact. Use -x instead. So -x=55555 will download files from newest, highest post ID, down to post ID 55555.
I know the code is very rough, and I have never done anything with perl before, but it should work anyway. So try it out, and tell if you encounter problems. Right now I need my sleep, though. Badly.

BTW, I guess there's still nothing on the creator of this script?

Is there a way for it to also download pools as well¿
Like the "Squeezable X" pool, most of the images don't have a tag grouping them together.
Can someone please code a way to download pools, in a method similar to the tags.

This script doesnt seem to be working with gelbooru. Anyone have any ideas why/how to fix it?

Edit: to elaborate, it was telling me that "this site does not use login/password", so I removed those modifiers and now it just gives me the "nobody here but us chickens" response for every tag I try. My .bat is below, with edits for privacy of course.

perl gelbooru <TAG_GOES_HERE> -f=${md5} -p="C:\Documents and Settings\<USER_NAME>\Desktop\BD\<TAG_GOES_HERE>"


uhm guys can someone help and tell me what i do wrong

idont get gelbooru to work i use this string

perl gelbooru Disgaea -u=Kawai-Taiga -w=####### -l=20000 -r=1 -f=${md5} -p="I:\Images Tags Backup\Disgaea1"

and this is what i get when using it

i:/boory>perl gelbooru -u=Kawai-Taiga -w=####### -l=20000 -r=1 -f=${md5} -p="I:\Images Tags Backup\Disgaea1"
logging in... failed to login this booru doesnt support loggin in! (or just this module)

thx in advance


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